Lineage 2 H5 Thalassic

30 November 2017
Breve Reseña
Agradecemos desde ya esta nueva oportunidad el servidor thalassic re-abre sus puertas nuevamente. Luego de una ultima apertura exitosa, con mas de 3000 usuarios reales en linea regresamos.
Se haran devolucion porcentual de donaciones ya que no se ha cerrado por motivos extraños el servidor y esperemos nuevamente estar a la altura de todo lo que se presente.
Somos un servidor H5 para los que no nos conocen de comunidad latina.
Contaremos con todo lo que teniamos en la version antigua del servidor
CP/HP/MP con CTRL CLICK. Un community board avanzado.
Recompensa para clanes
Hemos agregado un limitador del CC a 6 maximo.
Adaptamos a orfen core y QA a nivel 85
Epicos semanales al igual que los territory wars.
Experience (EXP): 20x
Skill Points (SP): 20x
Adena : 15x
Drop Items: 12x
Spoil: 12x
Recs-Keys: 1x
Nuevas Capas
Nuevos Hats y Agathions
Nuevas Pets
Sistema de recompensa automatica para clanes
Sistema Interno para un control de BOTS mayor al que ofrece S.Guard.
Nuevo sistema de Achievements


Brief relate
We thank since this new opportunity the thalassic server re-opens its doors again. After a successful last opening, with more than 3000 real online users we returned.
There will be a percentage return of donations since the server has not been closed for strange reasons and we hope again to be up to everything that is presented.
We are an H5 server for those who do not know us from the Latino community.
We will have everything we had in the old version of the server
CP / HP / MP with CTRL CLICK. An advanced community board.
Reward for clans
We have added a CC limiter to 6 maximum.
We adapt to orfen core and QA at level 85
Weekly epics as well as territory wars.
Experience (EXP): 20x
Skill Points (SP): 20x
Adena: 15x
Drop Items: 12x
Spoil: 12x
Recs-Keys: 1x
New layers
New Hats and Agathions
New Pets
Automatic reward system for clans
Internal System for a control of BOTS greater than the one offered by S.Guard.
New system of Achievements